International organizations: "After COP29, government critics may face severe retaliation"

International organizations: "After COP29, government critics may face severe retaliation" Foto: sosial media
8 October 2024
Mətni dəyiş
International human rights organizations call on the government of Azerbaijan to release political prisoners "The authorities have targeted three independent online news platforms, including Abzas Media and Toplum TV, and 12 media workers have been arrested." This is stated in a 72-page joint report released by "Human Rights Watch" and "Freedom Now" human rights organizations on October 8. The document states that there is a vicious attack on government critics, independent groups and the media in Azerbaijan. "The crackdown has intensified ahead of the COP29 UN climate conference, which begins on November 11. Government efforts to destroy civil society and silence critics have been documented. Dozens of people have been jailed on politically motivated, trumped-up charges. Repressive laws crack down on independent groups and the media, criminalizing them. puts him in a weak position in the face of persecution", - it is stated in the document translated by RFE/RL. The published report documented 33 cases of criminal prosecution, detention and harassment. "Azerbaijani authorities purposefully used the laws regulating NGOs to refuse the registration and financing of some groups, and the persons connected to these groups were subjected to criminal charges. Before it is too late, the government can improve its reputation by freeing jailed critics and immediately ending the use of trumped-up charges against civil society. But he must act now," said Giorgi Gogia, deputy director for Europe and Central Asia of Human Rights Watch. "Human Rights Watch" and "Freedom Now" spoke to more than 40 Azerbaijani lawyers, relatives of detainees, NGO workers and leaders. They reviewed the rules governing the activities of NGOs in Azerbaijan, legal documents related to specific criminal cases, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, and other documents. According to the report, the Azerbaijani authorities targeted three independent online news platforms, including Abzas Media and Toplum TV. At least 12 media workers and other people associated with these platforms have been arrested. The offices of "Abzas Media" and "Toplum TV" were searched and the offices were sealed. A number of unregistered groups, labor rights activists, and others critical of government policies have also been jailed. While some groups and media outlets have been shut down, others continue to operate legitimately at great personal risk. In 22 of the 33 cases documented in the report, individuals were accused of smuggling money into the country. Some of them were charged with illegal entrepreneurship, document falsification, and tax evasion. "The government should immediately ensure that independent groups can operate legitimately without interference, abolish the repressive laws regulating the work of independent groups and the media. The government should also immediately and unconditionally release those imprisoned on politically motivated charges," the report emphasizes. "Also, before COP29, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) should tell the Azerbaijani authorities that a flourishing and independent civil society is essential to realize ambitious climate action." Before the COP29 climate summit to be held in Baku next month, the countries should put pressure on the Azerbaijani authorities to stop the pressure on the civil society and to release those detained for freedom of expression. "Amnesty International" human rights organization made this statement on October 8. "Azerbaijani authorities are actively attacking one of the main pillars of climate activism while hosting an international conference on climate justice - suppressing all forms of critical expression and protest, disarming local civil society. Azerbaijani authorities have imprisoned hundreds of people on political charges for daring to speak out. This "The list includes journalists, activists and human rights defenders who criticize the government. They are detained illegally, appropriate procedures are violated, and there is no guarantee of a fair trial," said the general secretary of the organization, Anyes Kallamar. Amnesty International is concerned that critics who express their displeasure before or during COP29 may face severe retaliation, particularly after the conference, when the country is no longer in the spotlight. The institution calls on the delegations participating in COP29 to influence the government of Azerbaijan to stop pressure on civil society, to ensure freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly. "Amnesty International" reports that the Azerbaijani authorities will monitor the treatment of environmental activists and human rights defenders before, during and after COP29. The authorities do not accept criticism The Azerbaijani authorities do not accept criticism of the deterioration of the human rights situation in the country, and accuse international institutions of bias and provocation. Last week, 60 US congressmen asked Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to release "all political prisoners, hostages and prisoners of war

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